Wednesday, May 30, 2012



One of the questions I am asked most often by email, social networks and even in person is "How to become a certified fitness  instructor CST / TACFIT?"

Allow me in this context to write a short handbook with practical advice.

First of all it clearly distinguish the two certifications:

CST: The "Circular Strength Training" is the basis for everything. And 'the most comprehensive training system in the world. Many will try to contradict me, but how else the system will find a program of joint mobility, physical conditioning and free body with the use of unconventional tools such as Clubbells, and a clearing system called Prasara Yoga?
Economic choices for many people and time, choose to certify only TACFIT, in my opinion very serious error. I'm not dwell on, but I put a question to those who are thinking of doing this in Tacfit Alpha, the first of 26, are provided Clubbell Swipes, how are you going to deal with them if Clubbells have learned to use them by self-taught?

TACFIT: And 'the Tactical Fitness training system. Fast, fun and above all effective. It will be the basis for working with your customers. And 'the training system designed by Scott Sonnon for those tactical tasks: policemen, firemen, soldiers, special units. It 'was recently officially adopted by the Special Intervention Group (GIS) of the Carabinieri. So not one of the many trendy workouts (makes cool to say "the training of the marines'), but really the training of special forces.

Every year, around the world there are certification courses CST / TACFIT. Only this year will be held in Italy, USA, England, South Africa, Argentina, Singapore and Japan. They are always held by the leading exponents of the system: Scott Sonnon and Alberto Gallazzi.

But what is the best way to approach the system?

There are four, we will examine one by one:

1) CST-School: an investment with a modest, entirely discountable by the cost of certification. Alberto Gallazzi with the Italian team will hold seminars on all single-topic specials CST / TACFIT in some Italian cities. This year will be held in Milan, Rome and Florence. All the details on the official website cst-italy. Surely it is one of the surest ways to achieve the certification date prepared.

2) CST / TACFIT Coach: It 'is another possibility, namely that of "hiring" a coach who will guide us through the first difficulties with the system approach. The advantage here is that it is followed individually, and the results are satisfactory in most cases, translated: certifications on the first try and with enjoyment. Personally I have already prepared a dozen athletes, even in less time, always having great satisfaction from them. The cost is similar to the School, but is not discountable. The advantage is to be followed one-to-one and not having to go too far from home.

3) instructional videos: Paying a percentage of the enrollment certification, you will receive instructional videos on the exams in order to learn from self-taught. I do not recommend it highly. Unfortunately, even if the videos are very accurate and well made, you can not grasp all the nuances that are critical to success instead. Anyway to get more precise infos about this mode you can contact the boss of cst-italy to this mail.

4) A Job: I call it this way, among other things, adopted a little 'too often, hoping that will soon be included. These training following youtube video, hoping that nothing has changed and going to the correct certificate having details "last minute". Obviously if you have this intention would ask you to change it immediately. There is nothing you will enjoy for the certification, by itself chock-full of notions, and probably will emerge with little more because we may not have understood anything because of fatigue!

Ah, I forgot, certifications CST / TACFIT regaleranno not go into them just because you paid, you need to sweat on the field! I myself, though a friend of Scott and Albert have been rejected on an exam because I was not sufficiently prepared, add correctly!

That said, I'm available for any clarification and possible preparations, hoping to see you soon become part of CST Famil

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