Sunday, June 10, 2012

Courses for Instructors

Nordic Walking Instructor Diploma

With the rank of Instructor you embark on an optional training continued with the MAESTRO Nordic Walking and the MASTER TRAINER, the latter a qualification awarded solely at the discretion of the two founders of the School based on the work done and the proven ability , and will allow the technician to manage themselves in turn the instructor training courses in freedom, with the consent of the Italian School.

 Regarding the training objective is to link between school and instructors, trying in every way contacts and aid, where possible, to give them support to start the business. The instructor does not like the number and source of income but as a player to be bigger and bigger together.

Why choose any association that offers Nordic walking only when the Italian School objectives are much more exciting?



istruttoreI-logo-school courses to go to the qualification of TRAINER are open to all those who possess specific diqualifiche (ski instructors, mountain guides, graduate in Sports Science, physical education instructors, swimming instructors, Fitness, Mountain Bike, Accompanying low mountains etc..) or to all those who have proven experience in the sports field or in the management of groups.

To take the course instructor is still required to have attended a course in Nordic walking with a school or a Licensed Master Trainer. The latter task will be to assess the eligibility for participation in training and will give written notice to the Italian School of Nordic Walking.

The aspirant must demonstrate that they have acquired the following skills and techniques:

    * Theoretical knowledge of the 5 stages that identify the progression of training
    * Proper execution of basic technique (alternating technique, parallel technique, etc..)
    * Execution of proper coordination exercises
    * Proper performance of the advanced elements (running, hopping, jumping, skating, etc. ..)
    * Knowledge of the basics of sports physiology and training

With these certain eligibility requirements may be set on the course training devoted especially to the teaching methodology and the development of its activities as an instructor.

The course duration is four days divided into two modules and carried out in two weekends away from each other by at least 15 days.

1, FORM: lasted two days and is based solely on the practice of teaching and learning of Nordic walking. During the first module, candidates will receive the instructor manual. After completing this module, the Master Trainer, the trainee will be able to access the second module and the testing for gualifica instructors of Nordic Walking. If not the candidate can repeat the first module at no cost as it remains valid, the registration fee previously paid.

FORM # 2: two-day and away from the first module of 15 days. In this second module can only be accessed by candidates deemed suitable by the Master Trainer in the first module. The two-day course will be characterized by both practical and theoretical teaching from the outdoor classroom. At the end there will be a practical test and a writing on the topics covered during the four-day course, pass, will qualify as a Nordic Walking Instructor with its diploma.

The participation fee is:

. of 320.00 euros per person effecting the registration within 10 days before the course;

. of 350.00 euros per person effecting the registration after that date;


diapositiva26Possono access all instructors who have gained experience in a yielder of Nordic Walking and who have attended a minimum of at least 5 courses of specialization (Nordic Walking Orienteering, technical training, biomechanics, gait and postural reeducation, Nordic walking Gymstick, anatomy and first aid, use of GPS, etc..).

The course to become instructors of Nordic Walking will last two days with a final exam and will be taught by a Master Trainer.


MASTER TRAINER diapositiva38La qualification is awarded solely at the discretion of the two founders of the Italian School Technical Directors, to the Italian School Teachers or instructors who have demonstrated on the field the actual dissemination of Nordic walking, which have strong communication skills and have the ability to manage groups. With this choice you want to avoid having qualified instructors but do not practice but are only interested in the qualification.

The qualification of Master will not automatically entitled to access to the Master Trainer Course, but will the two Technical Directors of the School, according to the needs that will arise, which can tap into the group of teachers to direct the course of MASTER TRAINER. The Technical Directors of the Italian School will invite the Master course trainer even instructors who do not have a following 5 courses specializzaizone, have demonstrated the strong organizational skills and management of activities related to Nordic walking and may have a strategic positioning for The purpose of the School.

The Master Trainer will organize and manage your own courses to train new instructors of Nordic Walking, with the approval of the Italian School.

The course for Master Trainer avtrà a two-day examination. Before the course, candidates will have to support to the Master Trainer Master Trainer during training courses Istrutttori.
Nordic Walking Italian Official
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The fitness instructor and confusing legislation


"There is no perfect program, there is no perfect exercise, there are only the client and the professional who follows him" (Busin et al., 2004). And 'This is the outcome of the International Sports Sciences Association of Philosophy, better known as ISSA, a leading association in the formation of Personal Fitness Trainers. Philosophy that focuses attention on two well-defined entities, the client and the "professional", but who is this professional? Who is the fitness instructor in general and what is its role in the environment where it acts?
There is an endless literature on the customer, like him loyal, how to communicate with him, what to say, what to do, and the instructor as it is, what does it do? How motivated is as pleased with his work, why does this work, what drives him, is the instructor for gratification, a passion for educating others, to feel 'someone' or 'appear' someone?
The world of fitness in Italy is constantly evolving and has grown in recent years, perhaps, a bit 'too fast, creating the inevitable confusion that characterizes the activities that do not yet have a clear professional identity, typical of everything that grows quickly without legislation will protect both the user and the professional in terms of health and the safety (Adams, P., 2002/06).
Only in the early 90s takes shape 'fitness', thanks to the collaboration between history, sports doctors, nutritionists and psychologists who are placed in numerous federations and associations, mostly autonomous, whose main purpose 'should' be training of trainers (FIAeF, 2002). In the past the activities practiced were mostly sports uncoded taught by unqualified instructors who faces more than the appearance of being, with a typically narcissistic attitude.
The term narcissism is derived from Narcissus, the young man who according to Greek mythology fell in love with his reflection in a spring. In its normal form, narcissism is the love we feel for ourselves, our person (Sica, 2001). All good, until it borders on the pathological and becomes an anomaly in which the subject manifests an excess of admiration towards himself (Sica, 2001). The narcissist shows a strong conviction of its importance and to be 'unique', unique, supreme, perfect. The subject always exaggerates his achievements, the results obtained, their skills and points out just how special his problems; has the merit of his success, luck has nothing to do. It is still fairly easy to get into any gym and see the instructor and some customer-pose and "pose 'in front of the mirror, contemplating his own physicality. At this point one wonders how an instructor too full of himself to meet the needs of a typical customer, who often feels the need to be understood, together, listened to before being 'trained'.
Up until very recently in Physical Education, teacher training institutes deputies physical education, fitness was not covered except in an experimental and outside programs. Only a few years, as part of university courses in Science, are introduced and organized courses, masters and 'amnesty' to remedy at least in part to the great confusion that reigns in fitness centers in Italy.
The occupation of fitness instructor has suffered in recent years a series of transformations is related to the evolution of the various related activities, both to the many scientific advances that have occurred in the disciplines which study the human system in the learning situation, such as psychology and pedagogy.
Until a few years ago the role of the instructor was assigned to a person who had practiced as a sport to a level acceptable and which declared itself ready to teach the fundamental movements that characterize this or that discipline (Buck, 1996). Currently, the teacher should be concerned to study the process of teaching and behavior of its parts, in a scientific and systematic, in order to identify factors that facilitate and remove those that hinder. The trainer is not simply asked to convey his knowledge and skills, but also to educate, organize, collaborate and, above all, motivate choosing the moment to moment what is best for the client or client group (Deer, FIN, 1996) .
In order to successfully undertake this role are objectively necessary to the special qualities of availability, flexibility and understanding is not separated by a highly motivated continuous updating in order to improve their level of skill and knowledge (Buck, 1996).
Teaching means "being in continuous relationship with other people and systematic" (Bonifazi M. et al., 1996) and therefore relate to a set of situations that change in directions that are not always the instructor is able to guide or control, regardless of the his good intentions, even the best practitioner is to carry out its activities in personal psychological situations are not ideal and in any case must carry out his work. And 'perhaps in these critical situations that reveals the deep personality of the instructor than the ability to perform their jobs well. The true professional sees, feels and perceives its role, or that set of values, attitudes, opinions, behaviors that constitute the prototype of good professional, what is certain is that one can not but be aware of their own philosophy of teaching , it is simple and straightforward or very complex and, or, why not copied from some teacher success.
It is believed that the first skill required of a fitness instructor-and-not only is that of having practiced for a certain period of time, to an acceptable level, that specific discipline. "Period of time 'we' accept 'the 36 months that are required for example to an instructor to attend a refresher course, college (cf. Decr. Rett. Univ Genoa, n. 2736 of 25.05.2006) , the statement "acceptable level" is unfortunately difficult to codify and not just have to stick to common sense and the ability to self-criticism of the instructor himself. It is considered necessary to have experienced first hand the various stages of the learning process, from initial to final, in order to better convey the necessary technical steps to overcome the most difficult and complicated, and understand the feelings that are trying our customer when he is performing a certain exercise or a specific type of training.


   1. P. Adams, "The Fitness in Italy? A world without rules ..", press office FIAeF, Rome, 2006.
   2. P. Adams, "The faces of fitness, including history, movement, health and economy," University of Rome-Tor Vergata University, Master in "Economics and management of sport", 2006.
   3. Bonifazi M. et al., "Handbook for Educational Training of Instructors of 1 ° and 2 ° level", the Italian Swimming Federation, 1996.
   4. Cerri U., "How is it perceived the figure of the Personal Trainer" by Fitness & Sports, published by Leonardo da Vinci, Milan, n. 1, 2005.
   5. A. Deer, "Elements of psychology and pedagogy courses for coaches of 1 ° and 2 ° level", prepared by the Technical Education Sector of the Italian Swimming Federation, 1996.
   6. Decree of the President of the Regional Council on 11 February 2003, n. 4, "technical standards, sanitary and safety facilities and equipment for the exercise of gymnastic activities, the bodybuilding, physical education and physical activities for seniors, pursuant to art. LR 5 of 29 / 02/2002, n. 6 ".
   7. Board Resolution No. Reg. 1727 of 23/12/2005.
   8. Musumarra L. et al., "The discipline of motor sport and in Europe: the protection of the consumer between sports law, state and community," adapted from the European Project "Sure Gyms", available at
   9. Sica L. "Narcissism tics of the masses", The Independent,

How to become a spinning instructor

One of the disciplines currently in vogue in the gyms is the Italian Spinning, particularly needed to strengthen the lower body and is essential in a complete workout. Be Spinning, however, contrary to what some might think, not just hop on a bike and pedal sets at random, but follow the rhythms and the programs that only a professional instructor can impart.

Hence the need of the owners of fitness centers to hire qualified personnel, ie, in possession of the requisites to teach the "proper riding" in order to obtain the desired results. It 's clear that a Spinning instructor should be able to recommend the right training to their athletes, tailoring the type of training depending on the form and the physical strength of each.

To become a Spinning instructor must be a lot of patience and good will, and of course the frequency of specific courses. In this time of year several training centers are organizing special courses for instructors of Spinning, after which it is issued a certificate of attendance can seek employment at any fitness center in Italy.

In particular we want to report Keiser Indoor Cycling, which in November organizes various training courses. And if you are already certified teachers Spinning Indoor Cycling Level 1, you can take the course instructor training course IC-REV Indoor Cycling Keiser M3 Level 1 Route B.

The event is organized by the Keiser Italy, specialized in the Spinning and promoter of several similar initiatives around the world. The appointment is for next November 21 in that of Bologna, where he will welcome an exceptional teacher like Alex Corsini.

Take the opportunity and ask freely for information to the phone number 051461110 or send a fax to 051463090. Remember that the practice of spinning is growing and maybe it's time to take advantage of opportunities to get some more work.

How to become a gem instructor


If diet and fitness are the main aspects of your life and you've been going to the gym for years, you should take the next step and become a gym instructor. Before seeking a job as a fitness instructor, it is essential to assess the potential and improve their credentials in order to maximize the chances of finding your dream job as a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor. Although it may take years of practice, when you become a gym instructor who opens new opportunities for teaching more advanced techniques and also the management of the gym.
Determine the type of exercise that you want to teach as a fitness instructor. . Attend at least one class for each type of activity is ¤ that would be able to teach, such as aerobics, step, spinning, kickboxing or personal training. Ideally, you should already be a ¤ advanced student in one or more is' fitness areas, before seeking a job as an instructor.
Talk to fitness instructors at the local gym. Find out if there are opportunities ¨ ¤ apprenticeship as an assistant to an instructor or to obtain a certificate of fitness in the gym. Talking to people who know you well and are familiar with your fitness level and experience as a student in fitness classes can help to know the opportunities that would fit into the workout routine you already have.
3. <> Br
Consider a certificate program or training course in fitness instruction or personal training. Instructor or personal trainer certification can add to both your abilities and skills as an instructor and your professional credentials for the desired position (see Resources 1 for a list of some of the most important fitness instructor certification bodies in the United States, and visit their websites to find out when and how you can get certified).
Get CPR and First Aid certificates. Fitness trainers at many gyms are required to have these levels of certification, so before applying them might give an advantage to applicants who would need more training and certification after hire.
5. br
> Apply to become a fitness instructor at several local gyms, not just the gym where you have a membership. As your personal gym might be more likely to hire you if they have a position available, many gyms use standard packages for the fitness classes they offer, so the experience of attending a spin class or aerobics in a gym can easily translate into another gym which offers the same or similar courses. Keep your options open and take the 'best offer you get. After a year or two as a fitness instructor, you may be qualified to seek a better location, if desired



One of the questions I am asked most often by email, social networks and even in person is "How to become a certified fitness  instructor CST / TACFIT?"

Allow me in this context to write a short handbook with practical advice.

First of all it clearly distinguish the two certifications:

CST: The "Circular Strength Training" is the basis for everything. And 'the most comprehensive training system in the world. Many will try to contradict me, but how else the system will find a program of joint mobility, physical conditioning and free body with the use of unconventional tools such as Clubbells, and a clearing system called Prasara Yoga?
Economic choices for many people and time, choose to certify only TACFIT, in my opinion very serious error. I'm not dwell on, but I put a question to those who are thinking of doing this in Tacfit Alpha, the first of 26, are provided Clubbell Swipes, how are you going to deal with them if Clubbells have learned to use them by self-taught?

TACFIT: And 'the Tactical Fitness training system. Fast, fun and above all effective. It will be the basis for working with your customers. And 'the training system designed by Scott Sonnon for those tactical tasks: policemen, firemen, soldiers, special units. It 'was recently officially adopted by the Special Intervention Group (GIS) of the Carabinieri. So not one of the many trendy workouts (makes cool to say "the training of the marines'), but really the training of special forces.

Every year, around the world there are certification courses CST / TACFIT. Only this year will be held in Italy, USA, England, South Africa, Argentina, Singapore and Japan. They are always held by the leading exponents of the system: Scott Sonnon and Alberto Gallazzi.

But what is the best way to approach the system?

There are four, we will examine one by one:

1) CST-School: an investment with a modest, entirely discountable by the cost of certification. Alberto Gallazzi with the Italian team will hold seminars on all single-topic specials CST / TACFIT in some Italian cities. This year will be held in Milan, Rome and Florence. All the details on the official website cst-italy. Surely it is one of the surest ways to achieve the certification date prepared.

2) CST / TACFIT Coach: It 'is another possibility, namely that of "hiring" a coach who will guide us through the first difficulties with the system approach. The advantage here is that it is followed individually, and the results are satisfactory in most cases, translated: certifications on the first try and with enjoyment. Personally I have already prepared a dozen athletes, even in less time, always having great satisfaction from them. The cost is similar to the School, but is not discountable. The advantage is to be followed one-to-one and not having to go too far from home.

3) instructional videos: Paying a percentage of the enrollment certification, you will receive instructional videos on the exams in order to learn from self-taught. I do not recommend it highly. Unfortunately, even if the videos are very accurate and well made, you can not grasp all the nuances that are critical to success instead. Anyway to get more precise infos about this mode you can contact the boss of cst-italy to this mail.

4) A Job: I call it this way, among other things, adopted a little 'too often, hoping that will soon be included. These training following youtube video, hoping that nothing has changed and going to the correct certificate having details "last minute". Obviously if you have this intention would ask you to change it immediately. There is nothing you will enjoy for the certification, by itself chock-full of notions, and probably will emerge with little more because we may not have understood anything because of fatigue!

Ah, I forgot, certifications CST / TACFIT regaleranno not go into them just because you paid, you need to sweat on the field! I myself, though a friend of Scott and Albert have been rejected on an exam because I was not sufficiently prepared, add correctly!

That said, I'm available for any clarification and possible preparations, hoping to see you soon become part of CST Famil


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